Target group
Who should complete first-aid training?
It is basically recommended for everyone!
A first aider is the first person who can help an injured or ill person.
Accidents and illnesses are part of everyday life. It is important for everyone to know how best to help in certain situations and what to do in the event of a (traffic) accident or stroke, for example, or how to act in the event of a respiratory or circulatory arrest.
Everyone is a potential first aider and is obliged to provide first aid, especially road users!
Since this assistance can affect everyone, no specific target group can be determined. Attending first aid training and learning first aid measures is recommended for:
Everyone!This first-aid training is compulsory for, e.g.:
Exposed groups of people and professions.
Those in med. care and attendance (geriatric nurses, nurse's aids, nursing/care assistants).
Those in medicine/treatment, dentist and doctor's practices, treatment practices (e.g. physiotherapy)
Craftsmen, construction, industry and transport.
Those in offices, administration and facilities.
And many others...
Company first aiders/first aiders in the company (basic FA training and advanced first aid training every 2 years).
Learner drivers for a lorry licence/driving licence applicants: C1, C1E, C, CE and bus D1, D1E, D, DE.
Learner drivers for a car licence/driving licence applicants: B, B96, BE, L, T. (formerly LSM – immediate life-saving measures at the site of the accident)
Learner drivers for a motorcycle licence/driving licence applicants: A1, A2, A, AM. (formerly LSM)
Admission to the preliminary medical examination.
Admission to examinations in various professions, e.g:
dental assistants,
medical technical assistants, or
medical assistants or physician's assistants.
Acquisition of a licence to transport passengers.
Acquisition of the private pilot licence (PPL) – private pilot licence/gliding licence.
Acquisition of the youth leader card (JuLeiCa), employee in youth work/youth leaders.
And many others...
Information for learner drivers:
The first aid course is compulsory and a prerequisite for applying for a driving licence.
Absorption of costs by the driving school/company:
Simply ask your driving school or your company whether the costs for the first aid course will be covered. Please only use our first aid cost coverage form for this purpose!
Information for employers (training company first aiders):
According to § 10 ArbSchG (Occupational Health and Safety Act), measures must be taken by the employer, including those necessary for employee first aid. This includes training encompassing 9 teaching units for first aid staff and the appointment of trained company first aiders (information on the minimum number of first aiders in the company). Further regulations are contained in the UVV (Accident Prevention Regulations), and the BGV (Employers' Liability Association Regulations on Health and Safety in the Workplace) A1 § 2 and § 24.
Training costs for company first aiders can be borne by your accident insurance company!
Course contents
First aid training from the ANB (Academy of Emergency Management and Fire Protection)
Learn how to act and help in emergency situations and prepare yourself for emergencies in your private and professional environment.We provide future first aiders in this first aid course with well-founded knowledge, including:
Legal provisions on providing assistanceIn addition, other life-threatening conditions, diseases and injuries such as:
The bedrock of the first aider: the rescue chain
The right way to behave at the scene of an accident
How to recognise life-threatening respiratory and circulatory disorders and arrest, and measures to take (resuscitation)
Unconsciousness, states of shockThe theoretically acquired knowledge is trained and consolidated in practical exercises in order to master important measures and to be able to act quickly and correctly in an emergency.
Stroke, heart attack and seizures
Amputation and foreign body injuries, severe haemorrhages
Heat and cold damage (burns/scalds, hypothermia/frostbite)
Fractures (broken bones), joint injuries, chest and abdominal injuries
Insect bites (anaphylaxis), obstruction of the respiratory tract/choking
Electrical accidents and poisoning
In order to refresh and keep up to date with the first aid knowledge and techniques acquired, we recommend completing further first aid training every 2 years.
The employers' liability insurance associations and accident insurers prescribe first aid training every two years for company first aiders.
Prices per person
• Course: from 55,- €
Payment/coverage of costs
• In advance by bank transfer or in cash on the day of the event.• Costs borne by the accident insurance provider (employers' liability insurance association/accident insurer) or voucher from Unfallkasse Berlin (Berlin Accident Insurers): For company first aiders, cost sharing is possible through accident insurance providers (BG/UK) or via a voucher from the accident insurance fund, so that only the own contribution (additional costs for the course in English) has to be borne by yourself.
1 day course (9 units of 45 minutes each)Qualification
First aider/company first aiderValidity
2 yearsNotes
• Bring valid identification document and, if applicable, vision aids.• For company first aiders, cost sharing is possible through accident insurance providers (BG/UK) or via a voucher from the accident insurance fund, so that only the own contribution (additional costs for the course in English) has to be borne by yourself.